Weight Management for Pets

By achieving a healthy weight, your cat or dog will be less likely to develop underlying issues.

Obesity is one of the most common and preventable diseases seen in cats and dogs. We know that you love your feline or canine pal and want to show them this adoration in any way possible and sometimes we do this through food. Our weight management program is created to help you find other ways to show love and even reward your cat or dog. Being overweight doesn’t only change their appearance, but it can also have a more serious effect on their health.

When is my dog or cat considered overweight?

Based on the species or breed, being overweight will look different. Here are some questions to ask yourself when trying to determine if you should be concerned about your cat or dog’s weight:

  • Is my cat or dog’s waist wider than their shoulders?
  • Can I easily feel my feline or canine’s ribs, or do I have to press hard?
  • Does my cat or dog have a large abdomen that may even have a pad of fat?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, then you should get a veterinarian’s input. At the appointment, our veterinarian will weigh the patient and determine where they fit in a body conditioning score chart. Your veterinarian can also identify if your loyal companion is obese.

What risks are associated with obesity?

Excessive body fat will affect how well the organs function and will shorten your loyal companion’s lifespan. With regular checkups, your veterinarian can assess your cat or dog’s diet, lifestyle and overall health. When a feline or canine companion is obese, they can develop the following illnesses:

  1. Arthritis
  2. Diabetes
  3. Cancer
  4. Heart disease
  5. Liver and kidney disease
  6. High blood pressure

If you're worried about your loyal companion developing any of these diseases, be sure to speak with your veterinarian. Call us at 613-384-6618 to schedule an appointment.

What can be done to help my loyal companion lose the extra weight?

With our weight management program, our goal is to help the patient get to a healthy weight and stay there. The veterinarian will recommend a special diet and exercise for weight loss. As their guardian, you should ensure that your cat or dog sticks to this program. Your cat or dog should not be given table scraps or extra treats throughout the day. Veterinarians generally recommend that treats make up 10% or less of their daily calories. You can add healthy snacks to their diet, and we can always discuss recommendations during an appointment.

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