Parasite Control & Prevention

Year-round parasite prevention is essential to protect your pet from internal & external parasites.

A parasitic infection can cause irreparable damage to your cat or dog. Canines and felines are susceptible to fleas, ticks, coccidia, mites, tapeworms, whipworms, roundworms, hookworms and heartworms. At our hospital, we create prevention plans that are suitable for each patient. We consider your cat or dog’s lifestyle, if they interact with other pets regularly, and their environment to determine which medidcations are essential for them.

When is parasite prevention necessary?

Parasite prevention is necessary all throughout the year. There are various types of parasites and even though some are more prevalent during certain seasons, the risk is always there. Some seasonal parasites like fleas and ticks can survive in the winter by staying in barns, and either inside or under homes. We can provide monthly preventatives in the form of injections, topical creams or oral tablets. 

What are signs that my cat or dog has parasites?

By the time you notice the signs of an infection on your loyal companion, they may have been infected for a while. It is always easier and less expensive to prevent an infection than to treat one. Here are some signs to look for:

  1. Protruding lumps
  2. Itching and scratching
  3. Weight loss
  4. Diarrhea
  5. Scooting
  6. Hives
  7. Swollen abdomen

To set up an appointment with one of our veterinarians, please call us at 613-384-6618.

Is parasite prevention necessary for indoor cats or dogs?

Yes, being an indoor cat or dog does not protect your loyal companion from parasites. Consider that parasites can be introduced to the home by attaching themselves to clothing or shoes. Also as previously mentioned, they will hide indoors during the winter time. Your indoor cat or dog can get parasites from other pets within the home.

What diseases can cats and dogs develop from parasites?

Humans along with cats and dogs can become infected with Lyme disease which is transmitted by ticks. When infected with parasites, your feline or canine companion may develop dermatitis and even anemia as ticks feed on their blood. There is also the possibility of them developing bacterial infections such as rickettsia, mycoplasma, bartonella and tularemia.

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