Euthanasia Services

A compassionate procedure for cats and dogs suffering from chronic pain or terminal illness.

Saying goodbye to your loyal companion is never an easy decision to make. If your beloved feline or canine pal is at the end of their life, our team is here to support you in any way possible. We will ensure that your cat or dog has a respectful and peaceful passing and that you are well-informed about the options that are available to you. No one should have to go through this heart-wrenching process alone. To get some support, feel free to call us at 613-384-6618.

When is euthanasia right for my cat or dog?

The overall health and comfort of your loyal companion are the main things to consider before euthanasia. Your veterinarian will assess the patient’s quality of life before recommending euthanasia. If your cat or dog has a terminal illness or severe trauma, our team will determine if there are options available to keep them comfortable. Pain medication can be used temporarily to keep the patient comfortable, but this option may not be practical for long-term. Even as your loyal companion’s guardian, you will notice signs of a poor quality of life. At home, your cat or dog will have more bad days than good ones; their appearance and behaviour begins to change and finally they no longer enjoy the things they once loved doing. Here are some other signs that your loyal companion is at the end of their life:

  • Sleeping more than usual
  • Hiding
  • Panting even while resting
  • Seems dull or depressed
  • Not urinating well
  • Poor eating and drinking habits
  • Unable to clean themself after soiling
  • Trembling and shaking

How can I make my cat or dog’s last day special?

There are various things that you could do to ensure your loyal companion enjoys their last days. This is not only beneficial for them, but it also allows you to create some important memories before you say goodbye. Now is the time to do the things you have always wanted to do with your pet. For some pet owners this could be taking them to the ocean, getting them a treat at the drive-thru, trying foods that were normally forbidden, or even camping if their health and ability allows them to partake in these activities. For you and your family, you should capture these moments to memorialize your loyal companion and spend quality time with them.

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